
DesertSea.Com Security & Privacy Policy

We value our own security and privacy, so our policy is simple:  We treat our customers as we hope to be treated.

Security: Orders and credit card information processed through PayPal are secured by their own strong security and encryption software. Desert Sea Publishing Co. never sees the critical personal information connected with your credit card, only the fact that it has been processed and that the order has been placed.

Privacy: We do not spam and we do not knowingly share information with any organization that does. We maintain an e-mail list of customers and others who specifically request to be notified of upgrades and new products. We rarely send group emails to customers and will remove your address immediately, if requested. When you order an item that is shipped directly from another publisher, you will probably be added to that publisher’s customer list.  If you wish to be removed, you may write directly to that publisher.  As far as we know, the publishers we partner with are sensible and will honor your request. If you have any difficulties, please let us know.