How To Import the Output of Speed Handicapper® V6 to Microsoft® Excel® and Access® Back to Table of ContentsA major goal in the upgrade from V5.0 to V6 was to be able to save the results of handicapping and reopen saved files with all work intact—and make the data available to new programs that we plan to develop. (With that second goal, some people might have made the saved data a proprietary format, but Carroll prefers to make it useful for anyone who wants to test their ideas.) The files are saved in .XML format, which makes it possible to open them in almost any spreadsheet or database program. You will need to be pretty much a power-user of Excel® or Access® to know what to do with the data after you import it, but here is how it is done. The race files are saved to the Documents\SpeedHandicapperV6 folder which the program sets up when first installed. If you are a real power-user and know what to do with a schema file, the schema for the race files is also there, called “SpeedSchema.XML.” We recommend that you create a working folder for files for these purposes and make copies of race files and the SpeedSchema.XML, if you want to try the methods below. |
Microsoft Access®
Access® has a direct, menu driven ‘access’ to .XML data. Open Access® and select New > Blank Database On the External Data tab, select .XML file. Navigate to the saved file folder (Documents\SpeedHandicapperV6 — or, preferably, your working file folder) and select a race file to open. Select Import XML > Structure and Data Voila you have all the tables and their data loaded: |
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